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Enjoy the Ride

We were all supposed to arrive in Nairobi on the same flight. But, we got separated in the Paris airport. I waited a couple of minutes,...

Travel Tips

I’ve traveled quite a bit in my thirty-five years. I’ve learned a lot about how to travel along the way. So, as I set out on my next...


I was introduced to the writing of C.S. Lewis when I was a junior in college. His work has since profoundly influenced my faith in...

Lessons from Aidan (Part Three)

I’ve talked about a remarkable man I met named Aidan Mackey a couple of times now. On my last night at Oxford, Aidan stood up after...

Lessons from Aidan (Part Two)

I met Aidan Mackey in England a couple weeks back. He has long been considered the foremost scholar on G.K. Chesterton. I was in Oxford...

Lessons from Aidan (Part One)

I had the honor of meeting Aidan Mackey in England a few weeks ago when I was in England. I had never heard of him before, but I learned...

Choosing Joy

I met Margie on a flight from Charlotte to St. Louis. She and Jackie, her best friend of sixty years, were on their way back from...

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