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May Your Will Be Done

Jesus had a lot to say about the kingdom of God. He even included it in the prayer He taught His disciples. "May your kingdom come."...

May Your Kingdom Come Soon

“Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe.” That is how just about every Jewish prayer begins. I love the awe and reverence...

May Your Name Be Kept Holy

We take our names seriously. It annoys us when people mispronounce our name and infuriates us when people slander our name. That’s...

In Heaven

In every synagogue there is a sign above the Aron Ha-Kodesh – the place where the Torah, the very words of God, are kept. “Know before...

Our Father

Yesterday, I talked to my parents, brother, best friend, and neighbor (who I just met). I noticed something. I talked to each one...

Teach Us to Pray

Prayer is simple. It’s just talking to God. Yet, for many of us, prayer is hard. I shared the results of a spiritual gifts assessment I...


Today is Memorial Day. We remember the men and women who fought to defend our freedom. We honor those still protecting our country....

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